Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, January 10, 2025
Pray, Beg, Ask Me for Help and I Will Be by Your Side. Stay Away from the World, I Command You for Your Safety…
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Christine in France on January 2, 2025

The LORD: Beware of false teachers, of those who teach the law but don't practice it, of those who judge you but don't judge themselves. They are worse than scorpions and come into your homes to rape you.
Children, beware of the Evil One, he is cunning and perverse, perversity is his field, perversity is his law, perversity is his glory. Stay away from the world, I command you for your safety; it has chosen the path of Evil and is leading you into darkness.
When darkness invades the Earth, what will you do, children?
Remain silent and on your knees, pray, beg, ask Me for My help and I will be by your side, I will walk by your side, I will show you the way.
Children, I am the Life, the Truth.
Walk with Me, in Me, and you will live, but if you follow the path like puppets, you will die.
Don't venture into his ways, I tell you again, he is clever and cunning and he will ruin you.
Close your doors and windows to sweet calls and liars.
Don't listen to the Evil Wind that will knock on your houses to teach you false truths.
Only I, your Lord, am Life, the Truth, I am your strength and your foundation.
Pray, children, pray, remain in me permanently.
In this time when the demons are raging, pray, re-read the Scriptures, stay in your homes and come and talk to Me.
I will teach you My way so that you will follow Me and not be deceived.
The Evil One is deceitful and cunning.
Be careful, he's a liar.
Children, get into the boat with Me, I will take you to the Wind of My Heart and carry you seated.
The times of the END will not last.
Pray, children, pray and keep the faith!